Tuesday, May 22, 2018



"We're Christians" to the extent we FEAST ON/ ENJOY:
-- Christ's FLESH/ His BLOOD:
1) Exp Christ's CHURCH/ Embrace/ Forgiveness
2) Absorb/ Live Christ's WORD
3) Personally Exp/ are Transformed by the very Soul and Person of CHRIST
(Is1,30 Jn6,15)

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Pope Francis‏Verified account @Pontifex May 9
We are Christians to the extent that we allow Jesus Christ to live in us.

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Our Feasting on Christ Mugs

Saturday, May 12, 2018

REASONS TO BELIEVE - The Bible? A Hoax, a Great Piece of Literature, Book of Fools, or GOD'S VERY WORD TO MANKIND? Your Eternal Destiny HANGS IN THE BALANCE!

Our response to a query
On one of the social sites we visit periodically
As to why believe in God?
(562) 237-6574

---- I would recommend you put a few years into disproving/proving the Bible and it's God and as many very, very smart educated and extremely fair minded people have found, I expect you could easily find the same thing.
---- I'm now a very strong believer and I did something akin to that almost 40 years ago and even today I believe in keeping an open mind on this, as well as other things.
---- Today, I personally have a very long list of reasons: [1-Even God Himself tells us to come to the Religion thing in a rational reasoning way: "'Come now, let us reason together,' says the Lord. ... and ..." (Isaiah 1:18-20 NIV); 2-Down through history Mega-Prophecy Fulfillment; 3-Archaeology; 4-History; 5-Civil and Criminal Laws; 6-Lofty Excellent Unique Teachings; 7-Coherency; 8-Practicality; 9-Reasonableness; 10-Great Realistic very Helpful Stories 11-Arrest, trial and Crucifixion; 12-Flood; 13-Language use in Gospels; 14-It's principles work every time applied; 15-Personal and Better Relationship w/God /People/ the Earth, Myself and Eternity; 16-No competing Religions which even come close; 17-Moon Dust; 18-Mississippi Delta; 19-World-wide Coral Reefs; 20-Moon Earth Distance; 21-Speed of the Earth's Rotation; 22-Apparent Intelligent Design of ALL MAMMALS; 23-Human Eye; 24-Laminin Protein in Humans; 25-Brilliant Cut Diamond 33T/25B Facets (Christ's Life 33yrs/24 Elders plus Christ in Rev; 26-Ocean's Saltiness; 27-Bombardier Beetle; 28-and ...]
---- Don't get me wrong I don't know how this Universe of living beings (A single sentence - One Verse, Universe) started, could have been some type of big bang evolution thing (But on this Earth/our Galaxy it's obvious it's got a Designer/Implementer). I don't know how it all got going, but I do know it's going now (Could be a matrix thing, but to me it doesn't matter, it's here, we're in it, at least some of us are and there's obviously a plan, though why something like this should even be here, makes little sense to me, why not a big void and that's it?)
---- [Another very helpful book, in my view: "IN THE BEGINNING" Walt Brown PhD - w/MIT /Top USAF Scientist background.]
---- By the way, there are many well documented cases of light to severe skeptics who've set out to disprove the Bible and it's religious claims as to being the Bonafide Word of the Creator, who at the end of the day totally switched sides and became strong proponents of it and it's message and claims.
---- (Some Examples of People who Switched from Unbelief to Belief: Lee Strobel-INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST; C.S. Lewis-PROFESSOR; Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn-Nobel Prize Winner in LITERATURE; Francis Collins-DIRECTOR of the NATIONAL HUMAN GENOME RESEARCH INSTITUTE; Alexis Carrel-Nobel Prize Winner in MEDICINE; Czesław Miłosz-Nobel Prize in LITERATURE; Sigrid Undset-Nobel Prize in LITERATURE; Simon Greenleaf-One of the MAIN FOUNDERS of the HARVARD LAW SCHOOL; Chai Ling-CHINESE STUDENT LEADER of the TIANANMEN SQUARE PROTESTS; William J. Murray-SON of ATHEIST ACTIVIST MADALYN MURRAY O'HAIR; Anders Borg-SWEDEN'S MINISTER for FINANCE; Rosalind Picard-DIRECTOR of the AFFECTIVE COMPUTING RESEARCH GROUP at MIT; and ...)
---- Also, I would strongly recommend you make an effort to have an open mind about it and request help from the Creator in this endeavor, if in fact "He" exists, is good, in charge, with a good plan for us and willing to provide proof and evidence for same.
---- Best Regards, Gary

(LAMININ - Internet Link)
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An Illustration of the Laminin-111 complex depicting the domain organization
Laminins are high-molecular weight (~400 to ~900 kDa) proteins of the extracellular matrix. They are a major component of the basal lamina (one of the layers of the basement membrane), a protein network foundation for most cells and organs. The laminins are an important and biologically active part of the basal lamina, influencing cell differentiation, migration, and adhesion. [1][2]
--- The trimeric proteins intersect to form a cross-like structure that can bind to other cell membrane and extracellular matrix molecules.[4] The three shorter arms are particularly good at binding to other laminin molecules, which allows them to form sheets. The long arm is capable of binding to cells, which helps anchor organized tissue cells to the membrane.
--- The laminin family of glycoproteins are an integral part of the structural scaffolding in almost every tissue of an organism. They are secreted and incorporated into cell-associated extracellular matrices. Laminin is vital for the maintenance and survival of tissues. Defective laminins can cause muscles to form improperly, leading to a form of muscular dystrophy, lethal skin blistering disease (junctional epidermolysis bullosa) and defects of the kidney filter (nephrotic syndrome). [5]