Monday, October 8, 2018

Girls Target Boy w/FALSE CHARGE and later ADMIT to this Patently, in my view, DEMONICALLY INSPIRED ACTION! To me, PRISON would be GOING TOO EASY ON THEM!

High School GIRLS sued:
1-For targeting BOY w/false allegations of sexual assault
2-As per the Good Book's Rules on FALSE ACCUSATIONS/ SEXUAL ASSAULT, in my view:
-- These Girls need ARREST, TRIAL, CONVICTION, IMPRISONMENT and/or EXECUTION! via @MailOnline

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Senate casts a final vote for Judge Kavanaugh's Supreme Court Confirmation as Associate Justice

Senate casts Final Vote for:
-- It seems, the OUTSTANDING/ HIGHLY QUALIFIED/ LONG RESPECTED, in so many ways, Judge Kavanaugh to confirm him to be the NEXT Supreme Court ASSOCIATE JUSTICE of the UNITED STATES!

-- A CBS naysaying, IN MY VIEW, commentating FOOL
-- ((((I WONDER if she's a Chinese Operative? If someone comes forward to accuse this CBS Commentator of the CAPITOL OFFENSE OF TREASON, I GUESS at this point (((based on the new Criminal Justice Norms the DEMS seem to prefer), if the Accuser ((seems believable)) we NEED TO JUMP ON BOARD w/the Accusation))))

-- / 'CON-MAN' SCHUMER spew, IN MY VIEW, more EVIL GANGSTER GENOCIDAL supporting DISINFO about AMERICA and the new GLORIOUS ((Loving/ Reality Based/ Justice Orientated)) DIRECTION it's headed!
-- (And, IN MY VIEW, if you don't see things at least somewhat along these lines: You're either: A Fool, Spiritually Dead/Very Weak, Ignorant, Brainwashed, Delusional, Criminal and/or a GENOCIDAL GLOBALIST DUPPET!) via @YouTube

Friday, October 5, 2018

Susan Collins: Will vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to Supreme Court ... I have more doubts than ever now!?!

Senator Susan Collins, R-Maine, says she'll vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Her vote was crucial:
-- After listening to her detailed analysis; I now have more doubts about:
1-His Coming Rulings
2-Our Legal Systems Survival

Thursday, October 4, 2018

DJT's INCREDIBLE Mississippi 'MAGA-Rally'! Pray for DJT, MAGA Team, America and ...! via @YouTube

President Donald Trump's 'MAGA' rally in Mississippi:

1-Supporting the INCREDIBLE Judge Kavanaugh
2-POTUS Testimonials
4-MAGA's String of WINS
5-DJT Trade Neg 101 ...