Saturday, September 26, 2020

Hesburgh Lecture 2016: Professor Amy Barrett at the JU Public Policy Institute

Hesburgh Lecture 2016:

-- #ProfessorAmyBarrett shares her thoughts and insights on Scalia/Jurisprudence in today's America, in the run up to Hillary vs Trump 2016. Fascinating, informative, comforting and encouraging. via @YouTube

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Secretary Pompeo Delivers a Speech on Communist China and the Free World's Future.

Secretary of State Pompeo delivers speech on "Communist China and the Free World's Future" at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library via @YouTube

Friday, July 31, 2020

Mind Control Planetary, Enslavement, Jesus Feasting, Covid-19 and 3-4 Billion to Die Soon!

Test All, Hold to the Good! 1Thess5:21
-- #CovidMadness and.../ Mind Control/ #TrueGospel/ 3 to 4 Billion will soon die/be murdered by the...
-- #PlugInToJesus and Eat/ Drink/ Transform/ Live and Reproduce!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Are We Beginning to Destroy the World, Just to Save a Few 10's of Millions of Sick/Old People? Or is this just the Global Elite making their Final Push for World Domination and Massive Population Reduction?

Orrrr, could it be that Our Leaders/People are this Stupid/Brainwashed/Delusional/Criminal or Whatever? 

BE ADVISED, that Our Beautiful Master of the Universe says:
-- In the Last Days of our Planet, as we know it,
-- The Final Ruling/Governing Entities will have
"... authority given to them over 1/4 (Rev 6) of the earth (((and eventually 1/3 (Rev 9), or 1/4 and then an additional 1/3 / so bottom line 1/3 to 1/2))) to kill w/sword, famine, pestilence and by the wild beasts ..." / "... Those w/insight (God's people/etc) will enlighten many ... yet they will fall by sword, flame, captivity and plunder ..."
(Rev 6,9 / Dan 11 onmgprv)

IsJnZc - EphJoelRev
Our Lemming-like Mad Rush to the Sea!
-- No need to Watch any Movies these Days,
We're Living in One!
-- Have you moved into Corona Virus Cuckoo Ville?

IsJnZc - EphJoelRev
"Enter by the narrow ..for the gate is.. and the way is ..that leads to.. and many are those who.. ." Matt 7:13

Monday, February 17, 2020

M. Keiser - Bitcoin, DJT, 2020, Bloomberg / M. Adams - Coronavirus, China/Africa/Quarantines / etc

AJ Sun Shw 2/26/20, 1:25: BITCOIN / DJT
-- Max Keiser Expert - Bitcoin, World Economics, Russia, Trump, Hillary, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Memes, 2020, Barr
-- Mike Adams Health Expert - Coronavirus, Quarantines, Africa
-- Emerg Food Depletion

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

SR-71 Pilot Interview Richard Graham Veteran Tales

The Amazing SR-71 Blackbird Recon Aircraft et al.
-- Top speed: 2,193 mph
-- Introduced: Jan 1966
-- Retired: 1999
-- Engine: Pratt & Whitney J58
-- Unit cost: $33 million (1966)
-- Number built: 32 via @YouTube

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Stealing the B 29

The B 29's Unique History
-- The story of the Boeing B-29 Superfortress and how the Soviets stole it. via @YouTube

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Trump's White House? Is Anyone In-Charge of Ferreting Out the Huge, All-Devouring/ Controlling Deep State?

 Well, it seems our beloved:

-- President is boxed into a corner w/some to many:
1) double agents/ Benedict Arnold's or
2) somewhat weak/ fearful/ deceived/ bought/ delusional/ incompetent ignorant and/or leave-it-to-beaver aides
3) days, in which he's lacking good reasonably complete info, on a regular basis, on which to base his judgments

But to what degree is this true
Why does the State Department have 70,000 employees?
-- My guess is to run the Deep State Global take-down of every Populist State and Leader World-Wide, including our Beloved President Trump (who himself can be scary at times, at least to us so-called little people)


(((-- It would help, I think, if you Sir, would at least once in awhile, go on some of our little peoples alternative/reasonable conspiracy programs, unplanned, unannounced, surprise if you will, would be best I would think.
-- It would really touch us deeply, I would think. (Glenn Beck/ Alex Jones/ Mike Adams/ Owen Shroyer/ George Nori/ Others/ etc - I suggest you just pick one each month/2 wks, checking w/just your closest advisor(s)/ God and your own gut.)
-- (If it was me, I'd want to have a weekly 2-3 hour call in program w/ one or two of my team/guest hosts and 2 to 5 topics, but that's just me dreaming)))

Why does:
1) Pompeo seem to get so much deference from all sectors and sides
2) His demeanor, body language, tone of voice and so on make me uncomfortable?
3) Pompeo seem to be such a staunch perfect supporter of POTUS at all times and in every way?
-- Is it because he's on-board w/the whole reality picture in today's world and fixing things in a Godly/Trump way? Or, does he really despise and reject the other 35% of Reality, that Alex Jones and his ilk have that fills in the rest of the picture of Today's World.
-- Or worse, is Pompeo a Super Secret Global Cabalist working to take down America?

1) You
2) Pompeo
3) Top American Leaders
4) The Media and any one else

Just get their news and info from:
-- Authorized/regular briefers
-- CNN
-- Fox
-- OAN
-- Limbaugh
-- Maddow
-- NPR
-- Breitbart and the like

To the exclusion of others like:
1) Roger Stone
2) Glenn Beck
3) Mark Levine
4) Jerome Corsi
5) NSA's William Benning
6) Joel Skousan
7) Snowden
8) Fritz Springmeier
9) Alex Jones/his quests and others

Than you, who fall into this category, are operating w/an, at least somewhat, incomplete, twisted false reality.

Is it true:
-- That President Donald Trump’s Department of State, under Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, continues operating an Obama-era program, known as TechCamp, designed to fight “misinformation and propaganda” as well as “fake news” across the globe.
-- If true w/this Cabal, my guess is that they're slanting much of the ball of wax against patriots/ populists/ Christians/ Reasonable Conspiracists/ Trump Supporters, Trump and Truth Itself.


Is Pompeo Running a Global State Department Mockingbird Operation To Censor Americans?
-- It's reported that President Donald Trump’s Department of State, under Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, continues operating an Obama-era program, known as TechCamp, designed to fight “misinformation and propaganda” as well as “fake news” across the globe. Tom Pappert joins Alex Jones to break this story ...