Saturday, July 2, 2016

Jesus of Nazareth's True Birth-Date!

A Better Estimate
of Christ's True Birth-Date!
'Gary P R'
April 9, 2015

Estimated Timing for
Christ's Conception and Birth
Gary P R - onmgprplus

Luke 1:26 -2:40
The Angel Gabriel came to Mary in the sixth month (Elul-our August or September) of the Hebrew Calendar and told her of the coming Birth of the Messiah.

1. She was told by the Angel that her relative, in the hill country of Judah, Elizabeth was six months pregnant. 

2. At that time, Mary than went to visit Elizabeth in Judah.

3 Upon arriving at her relatives house she heard amazing prophecies concerning her soon to be born son, Jesus.

4. Mary stayed with Elizabeth until she gave birth to John the Baptist (for about 3 months) and then she returned home to Nazareth in Galilee.

5. I would expect that Mary would have conceived (about that time or shortly thereafter the Feast of Trumpets) sometime between the Angel's announcement to her and her leaving Elizabeth's house (roughly a 3, 31/2 month period-between Elul and Bul (our August to November)).   (Feast of Tabernacles shortly thereafter)

6. Hence, should have been able to sense Jesus' movements sometime between Tebeth (our December or January) and Ziv (our April or May) approaching the time of the Feast of Passover/Unleavened Bread and First Fruits.


7. And finally, Jesus' birth should have taken place sometime between Ziv (our May) and Ethanim (our September). My closest most reasonable educated guess, I would postulate conception took place, while Mary was at her relatives house (approximately early mid stay) about 4 to 6 weeks after the advisory from the Angel concerning the coming of Jesus. This timing to the key event of conception would tend to demonstrate that the fertilization took place sans Joseph.

8. So, if it was about 5 weeks after the Angels announcement to Mary that should be about September 19th to October 20th..

9. Sensing the child's first movements at about February 6th to March 10th. (Passover/Unleavened Bread/First Fruits)

10. Finally, Jesus should have been born sometime between June 5th and July 13th. (Shortly after Pentecost (the Harvest Festival))

11. In addition, giving birth at about the end of June or the beginning of July provides plenty of time for the farmers and laborers such as Joseph and others to finish up harvest and attendant other things and to make the trip to be counted for the Roman census in good weather.

12. The solution for everything, in my very, very strongly held view is: Romans 6:5!      

"If we are in the likeness of His death, we shall

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